Mathematical Simulation of Oscillations of a String with Movable Bearing in a Vertical Plane


  • Viktor Legeza
  • Ivan Dychka
  • Dmytro Legeza



We consider the natural oscillations of the string whose left end is fixed and the right one has the ability to move in a vertical plane by a defined law. We should address this issue to construct an adequate mathematical model of the electric wire taking into account longitudinal displacement of one of its ends. The right-hand mobile support is a commuting pendant with electric wire in the form of insulator strings. The purpose of research is to show and justify the boundary conditions occurring during vibration of a string considering the movements of its right pillar and solve the corresponding boundary problem. The technique for solving the boundary value problem lies in the state that the solution of the wave equation should be searched in such a form that its time-average standard deviation derived from the boundary condition should be minimal. Emphasized should be the obtained research results: change of fundamental frequency of basic tone of string vibrations caused by its right pillar movement in vertical plane within the range of parameters change of the considered system can be neglected.


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