Selecting of Mathematical Models for Determination of Energy Production Facilities “Standards” on the Basis of a Multi-Criteria Approach


  • Володимир Федорович Находов NTUU KPI,
  • Олена Володимирівна Бориченко NTUU KPI,
  • Дмитро Олегович Іванько NTUU KPI,



Operational control system of energy efficiency, “Standard” of energy consumption, Criteria of adequacy of mathematical models, Fuzzy logic, Technique of criteria “importance” ranging, DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) analysis


The necessity of improvement of approaches monitoring energy resources consumption efficiency, which are applicable today in Ukraine and are based on a system of rationing of specific expenses of fuel and energy, is analyzed. For this purpose the possibility of application of the operational management of fuel and energy resources consumption efficiency, which represent set of so-called systems of planning and control of energy consumption was shown. Some methods of energy resources consumption mathematical modeling which can be applied to establishment “standards” of power consumption in operative control systems of fuel and energy use efficiency are considered. Approach to a choice of the mathematical model for use on a number of quantitative criteria of their adequacy taking into account additional “qualitative” criteria allowing to take into account other advantages and disadvantages of the considered models is offered. The technique of numerical values determination of “qualitative” criteria by means of mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic is given. For the purpose of choice problem solution of the method of modeling by several criteria at the same time possibility of technique application of criteria “importance” ranging, and also a method of the environment functioning analysis (DEA the analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis) is considered.

Author Biographies

Володимир Федорович Находов, NTUU KPI

Vladimir Nakhodov,

Ph.D., associate professor, assistante professor

Олена Володимирівна Бориченко, NTUU KPI

Olena Borichenko,

Ph.D., associate professor, assistante professor

Дмитро Олегович Іванько, NTUU KPI

Dmytro Ivanko,

postgraduate student


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