The Study of the Structure of Laminar Currents in Recirculating Channels with Developed Surface


  • Оксана Михайлівна Бердник National Aviation University, Ukraine



Duct flows, Developed surface, Mathematical models of viscous flows


With a research objective of influence of parameters of the developed surface on structure of a laminar current of viscous incompressible liquid in ring channels the computing model, and algorithm of creation of profiles of speed has been offered. This case deals with a homogeneous layer of obstacles – cylindrical protrusions, distance between which ensures the absence of hydrodynamics interactions. Numerical calculations allowed to analyse dependence of the maximum and average speeds of a stream from density of ledges on a surface of the channel and from their height. In practical standpoint the mathematical model is significant only when moving liquids with very low speed or in fine capillaries, or at conditions from enough viscous liquids (so-called “creeping flow” when Re << 1). Check of reliability of the received results is executed on limit cases which lead to already known tasks. Research showed that the offered computing model adequately displays the main features of process. The presented technique of creation of profiles of speed of a laminar stream in ring channels with the developed surface can be used for further studying of a turbulent mode, and also for developing engineering methods of calculation of ring channels with turbulizers

Author Biography

Оксана Михайлівна Бердник, National Aviation University

Berdnyk Oksana M., candidate of sciences (engineering), associate professor, department of applied mathematics



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