Tariff Rate for Electrical Thermal Storage for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems





Renewable energy, Electricity tariffs, Electric storage heating


Background. The most efficient use of available electricity capacity during the hours of consumption decline is very important problem in Ukraine. This article provides an analysis of the actual tariff policy and the use of electricity during the hours of the low tariff for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Objective. The aim of the paper is to analyze the set validity periods of the reduced prices for electrical energy. Priority attention is paid to the tariff policy differences for the cost of electricity in Ukraine and abroad and how these differences affect possible storage system cost and, thus, payback period.

Methods. The general feasibility of using electricity as the heat source is presented, different energy sources as a generator of heat are compared, the possibility of strengthening cooperation between producers and consumers of electricity in order to achieve optimal modes of generation and consumption of heat is stated, the tariff plans for electricity in Ukraine and abroad are provided.

Results. As a result of the work it was made the comparison of tariff policy in Ukraine and three other countries: the UK, Canada and Spain. It is shown that overseas tariff rates are more flexible than in Ukraine, and promotes more effective relationships between the power generating companies and consumers in both economic and technological aspects. It was also shown that additional day charging can significantly reduce a necessary amount of heat storage material as well as the set power of the system.

Conclusions. At the current level of technological development, the actual policy for determining electricity tariffs should be based on innovative technologies, for example, on the dynamic determination of the electricity cost. It becomes relevant with  the growth of the share of renewable energy sources in general electricity generation.

Author Biography

Oleg Lysak, Institute of Renewable Energy, NAS of Ukraine

Leading engineer


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