Finish Polishing With Elbor Elastic Tape of Details of Antifriction Alloys Based on Aluminum for Printing Machines




Elastic elbor tape, Polish surfaces of details of rotation, Surface roughness, Parameters cool working, Parameters cutting


Background. The technological process of the polish with elbor elastic tape on the base details of the rotation from new composite material on the base of utilized and regenerated grinding wastes production with aluminum АМ4,5Кд, АК12М2МгН, АК8МЗч and АК12ММгН + (9–12 %) MoS2 has been researched.

Objective. The influence on the parameters quality type elbor elastic tape, the characteristic of the cutting layer of the polish tape, grain micropowders and parameters of cutting on the detail surface was studied.

Methods. Surface treatment of printing machines parts made from wear-resistant aluminum composite finishing diamond grinding belts using ultrasound energy was used.

Results. New method of elbor polishing parts of aluminum-based composites and a new polishing tape based on polyethylene terephthalate for surface treatment of composite friction materials parts was created. It was established, that minimum values of surface work quality are achieved using polishing flexible elastic bands on the basis of polyethylene terephthalate and work cutting layer of elbor (LO) granularity of 0.5–1 micron (M0,5–M1) at 100 % the first concentration.

Conclusions. Also it was demonstrated, that the formation of high quality parameters of working surfaces of details, made from new composites on the base of aluminum, essentially depends from type of the polish tape, parameters cutting materials and material of elastic elbor tape base. The recommendation for the production was developed.

Author Biographies

Анатолій Павлович Гавриш, NTUU "KPI"

Anatoliy P. Gavrish,

doctor of engineering, professor at the Department of Reprography of the Publishing and Printing Institute

Тетяна Анатоліївна Роїк, NTUU "KPI"

Tetyana A. Roik,

doctor of engineering, professor at the Department of Reprography of the Publishing and Printing Institute

Світлана Миколаївна Зигуля, NTUU "KPI"

Svitlana M. Zigulia,

candidate of sciences (engineering), assistant professor at the Department of Printing and Publishing Technologies of the Publishing and Printing Institute

Юлія Юріївна Віцюк, NTUU "KPI"

Yulia Yu. Vitsiuk,

candidate of sciences (engineering), assistant professor at the Department of Reprography of the Publishing and Printing Institute


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