Method of Setting H∞-Pidregulators for Objects with Delay


  • Yurii Kovrygo
  • Taras Bahan



Given the widespread use of PID controller and the presence of uncertainties for thermal facilities, the synthesis method should be developed. It can be instrumental in obtaining sufficient robustness and providing practically important quality indicators of the closed loop system within the set limits of uncertainty besides unconditional stabilization facility with delay. Using the optimality criterion as H∞ norm closed system, we obtain PID controller settings for objects with delay. We show that by changing the parameter settings of the controller we can achieve the desired compromise between the quality metrics and the system robustness. Optimality criterion as H∞ norm of the closed-loop system enables easy and quick setting of the PID controller for objects of the 1st and 2nd order with delay. These settings will definitely depend on the object parameters and the value of. By changing this ratio we can guarantee that a specified direct indicator of quality which is rather convenient in practice can be elaborated. Alternatively we can achieve the desired combination of several indexes of quality for the worst system case, thus ensure its robustness.


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