Control of Bath Dynamics along Purging as Part of the Control System Converter Melting


  • Volodymyr Bogushevsky
  • Kostiantyn Yehorov



The purpose of research is to lay the theoretical foundation and specify the control model of bath dynamics along the blowdown. The research is conducted on converters of 160 tons. Specifically, we study the control dynamics of decarbonization and changes of bath temperature. We use deterministic and statistical methods to process the research results. We obtain the estimates of carbon content and temperature of bath converter depending on the accuracy of priori (intensity purging, distance lance to the level of metal, etc.) and posteriori information (analysis of exhaust gases from the converter, heat flows into the tuyere cooler and converter gases, etc.) as well as the kinetic melting period. We obtain the smallest errors relying on compatible balance and statistical methods. The easiest way to control the bath dynamics is direct measurement of initial parameters of the process, notably temperature, composition of metal and slag and their masses. The mathematical model is tested when the carbon mass fraction is predicted at the converter facility of the V.I. Lenin Metallurgy Plant. Finally, we determine that standard deviation of calculated mass fraction of carbon for medium-and low carbon steels is 0,045 %.


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