Temperature Influence on Aberration Properties of Infra-Red Lenses


  • Oleh Kucherenko
  • Olexandr Muraviov
  • Dmytro Ostapenko




This paper considers temperature influence on image quality of focusing systems operating in an infra-red spectral range for the case of homogeneous temperature distribution. Using the optical design programs it is possible to estimate the influence of temperature on optical descriptions of depicting systems operating under unstable temperature conditions. The article elucidates the results of temperature influence analysis on aberration properties of non-athermalized and athermalized infra-red lenses. The analysis conducted shows that at the temperature change to 40 degrees in the system of typical infra-red lens projected without taking into account temperature influence the system resolvability worsens by several times as a result of thermal misfocusing. At the same time the nature of the field aberrations dependence on the entrance pupil size or corner of optical system eyeshot in the image plane does not change. By using passive optical athermalization methods the dependence of infra-red lenses characteristics on temperature can be eliminated at the stage of focusing system projection.


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