Using Cold from Snow, Ice and Ground for Cooling Small Data Centers in Ukraine


  • Ivan Pukhovyi
  • Andrij Postolenko
  • Yurij Nikolaenko



In this paper, we consider using renewable sources of cold (snow, ice and ground) for cooling server premises. We determine the required volumes of snow and ice for an average capacity of 10 kW during 7 months in southern regions of Ukraine and 4 months in the northern regions of Ukraine. The volume of snow and ice accumulators intended for 7 months of operation taking into account accumulation efficiency coefficient is about 2000 and 1000 tones. The ice and snow accumulators require the area from 50 to 300 square meters. Due to electricity saving and selling СО2 emission quotes, snow accumulators can pay off within 10 years and ice accumulators can pay off when the ice is produced from water at the consumption place only at the water price less than 1 UAH (0,125 USD) per m3, which can be obtained through using surface waters and relatively pure cooled sewage water. When the heat of phase transition is used for air heating for ventilation or heat pumps, the ice accumulation system pays off even when the running water is used. The installation of horizontal ground heat exchangers made of polymer pipes with a diameter of 120 to 140 mm for cooling of atmospheric air swill pay off approximately within 3 years.


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