Defining Parameters of Quality Mobile Network Technology LTE/MVNO with Tensor Analysis


  • Irina Strelkovskaya
  • Irina Solovskaya
  • Yulia Gutsal



The paper under scrutiny proposes the sequence of actions for characterizing the quality parameters of the mobile network LTE/MVNO for convenient configuration of network connections of objects. To determine the quality parameters of the network LTE/MVNO tensor decomposition of the network architecture we employ the method for obtaining the optimal configuration of the network connections of objects for preset values of packet delay using the criterion of the maximum capacity. To consider more complex network topology and architecture using tensor decomposition we propose to divide it into subnets for further research and obtaining findings for each subnet in isolation and the network as a whole. We determine the parameters of the quality of the network LTE/MVNO such as bandwidth, packet queue length in the path, the contours of the network nodes for each subnet and the network as a whole. The resulting tensor method can be used for a variety of networking tasks taking into account the complexity of the architecture and topology with specificity of functioning of the protocols used.


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