Analysis of Surfaces’ Quality Parameters of Sliding Bearings Made of Composite Alloys for Printing Machines at Abrasive Grinding


  • Anatolij Gavrish
  • Petro Kirichok
  • Tetiana Roik
  • Yulia Vitsуuk



In the article we present the research results of defect layers formation on surfaces of sliding bearings made of new high-alloy composite alloys produced from tool steels wastes and intended for high-speed printing machines. We show that such quality parameters of surfaces like cold-work strengthening, depth of its bedding, and range of cold-work strengthening and distortions of the 2-nd type are formed as a result of interaction between force and temperature fields appearing on the top of abrasive grain at fine abrasive grinding of friction surfaces of sliding bearings. We prove that final quality of surfaces depends on interaction of simultaneously arising processes of strengthening and tempering of working surfaces of sliding bearings at abrasive grinding. Moreover, we define the dependence of range of cold-work strengthening, its depth and distortions of the 2-nd type from composition of abrasive tool, its graininess, bond type of abrasive disc, parameters of grinding: using lubricating and cooling liquid, depth of grinding, rotation speed of the disc and line feed. We make the recommendation on how to choose grinding tools and cutting parameters for industrial purposes which meet the demands to quality of friction surfaces of high-speed bearings for rotary printing machines.


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