Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide Influence on Intensification of Biological and Physical and Chemical Components of the Iron and Manganese Removal from Water


  • Олександр Валерійович Кравченко State Enterprise "Scientific, Research, Design and Technology Institute of Municipal Economy", Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4807-5581




Ozone, Hydrogen peroxide, Iron removal, Manganese removal


Background. Compounds of iron and manganese are the most common components that are present in groundwater of nearly all regions of Ukraine. Elevated concentrations of iron and manganese cause deterioration of the organoleptic properties of water, leading to the formation of precipitates, overgrown water supply and water intake valves. Therefore, there is a need to improve existing technologies to extract these elements from the water.

Objective. The aim is to determine the effects of oxidants – ozone and hydrogen peroxide – at doses that are not sufficient for disinfection (0.25–3.0 mg/dm3), compared with the oxygen for iron and manganese removal from water through filtration on the zeolite filters.

Methods. The research was conducted on iron-bearing groundwater. Water is treated with oxygen at the laboratory unit, which consists of aerator closed contact capacity and free-flow filter with zeolite loading. Water ozonation at manganese removal on zeolite filter was conducted in Drexel glasses, which acted ozone-air mix with ozone generator. In experiments with hydrogen peroxide in a container of water was added a solution of said reagent in various concentrations, then the mixture was mixed and lodged in the filter.

Results. It is shown that at concentrations of oxidants 0.25 and 0.5 mg/dm3 biological processes are dominated. From a technological point of view, it is possible to achieve the same depth cleaning at both low and higher doses of ozone. The implementation process in such circumstances would achieve significant savings of ozone and therefore electricity needed for its formation.

Conclusions. The conclusions about the fundamental possibility of intensifying the process of removing compounds of iron and manganese from water through water treatment by ozone in small doses, followed by filtration through a layer of zeolite loadings are carried out. In this regard ozone promotes more efficient removal of water manganese, which is usually quite difficult technological challenge.

Author Biography

Олександр Валерійович Кравченко, State Enterprise "Scientific, Research, Design and Technology Institute of Municipal Economy"

Oleksandr V. Kravchenko,

candidate of sciences (engineering), Chief of Housing, Utilities and Amenities Department


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