The Use of Probabilistic Modelling in Express Controlling of Apple Juices Quality




Bayesian network, Automatized measurement complex, Electroacoustic device, Juice quality control


Background. Quality control of plant juice in the process of its mass production.

Objective. Development of support system for decision making in the process of express monitoring of the plant juice quality on the basis of electroacoustic measurements.

Methods. Theoretical and experimental substantiation of expedience of the use of a new criterion for juice quality evaluation which is based on the regularities of distribution of electromagnetic waves due to the concentration of the dry substances in juice.

Results. The support system for decision making on the basis of Bayes networks in express monitoring and modeling of plant juice production is developed on the basis of their physical characteristics.

Conclusions. The use of the suggested support system for decision making allows increasing substantially operational efficiency of the production line due to the potential possibility for prognosticating end product quality and making fast corrections of its production regime.

Author Biographies

Іван Иванович Побережець, Uman National University of Horticulture

Ivan I. Poberezhets,

associate professor at the Department of Mathematics and Physics

Леонід Евгенійович Ковальов, Uman National University of Horticulture

Leonid E. Kovalyov,

associate professor at the Department of Mathematics and Physics


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