Mathematical Modeling of Static Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Remote Sensing




Imaging Fourier transform spectrometers, Mathematical modeling, Remote sensing


Background. Imaging Fourier transform spectrometer (IFTS) is a perspective system for getting information of the Earth's surface within hundreds of spectral bands. However, the development of such system causes many difficulties because of the large number of parameters that must be taken into account.

Objective. To consider the main stages of work of the IFTS and to propose a sequence of calculating the basic parameters of the device

Methods. A work of the static IFTS is divided into four stages. Instrument design and calculation are suggested to carry out these stages.

Results. As a result of mathematical modeling, the proposed sequence of designing the static IFS is based on the Sanyak interferometer. The basic four stages of work are as follows: creating an image in the entrance slit plane by input optics, forming an interference pattern on the detector, creating a signal by the detector, signal processing and recovering of spectral characteristics. Such division into stages allows investigating separately the impact of each stage on the device characteristics entirely.

Conclusions. The proposed sequence allows defining the main parameters and characteristics of the static IFTS based on Sanyak interferometer, such as the input focal length of the lens, its field of view, bandwidth, spectral range and the number of spectral channels, parameters of matrix detector, which are essential on the design phase. Also, due to this, the creation and optimization of the IFS basic model are accelerated and simplified.

Author Biographies

Валентин Георгійович Колобродов, NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

Valentine G. Kolobrodov,

doctor of engineering, professor, head of the Department of the optical and opto-electronic devices of the Instrument making faculty

Дмитро Вікторович Поздняков, Special instrumentation production state enterprise "Arsenal"

Dmytro V. Pozdniakov,

postgraduate student, NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

engineer, Special instrumentation production state enterprise "Arsenal"


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