Development of Cold Cream Composition with Antioxidant Properties




Skin, Free radicals, Antioxidants, Vitamins A and E, Cold cream


Background. The development of cheaper, but no less effective cosmetic products with antioxidant properties.

Objective. The aim of the paper is to determine the antioxidant, organoleptic, physical and chemical properties of cold cream samples through the use of vitamins A and E for optimal development of cold cream with antioxidant properties.

Methods. The sensory, physical and chemical parameters of cold cream were determined according to DSTU 4765:2007 “Cosmetic creams. General technical conditions”. The antioxidant properties of the ferricyanide method were determined by the ability of the samples to recover iron ferricyanide complex of Prussian blue. The acid number of cold cream was determined in accordance with DSTU 4767:2007 “Cosmetic oils. General technical conditions”.

Results. The use of vaseline oil in the classic cold cream was determined as inexpedient. It is found that cold cream sample with vitamin A at a concentration of 0.3 % has the best antioxidative properties (1.054), a sample with a mixture of vitamins A and E 0.3 % 1.5 % has a somewhat lower activity of antioxidant (0.902), but this combination is more rational from the viewpoint of improving the stability of vitamin A. In studying possibilities of using of vitamins A and E as preserving, found that the addition of these vitamins to cold cream leads to a reduction of acid number from 2.91 to 2.1–2.46 mg KOH/g, which allows increasing the shelf life of cosmetic products.

Conclusions. An optimal composition of cold cream with antioxidant properties through the use of a mixture of almond oil and vitamins A and E is developed.

Author Biographies

Діана Георгіївна Сарібєкова, Kherson National Technical University

Diana G. Saribyekova,

dr. sci., full professor, HoD

Олександра Миколаївна Куник, Kherson National Technical University

Alexandra N. Kunik,

PhD, teaching fellow


Людмила Володимирівна Салєба, Kherson National Technical University

Liudmyla V. Saleba,

PhD, assistant professor

Ганна Олександрівна Івахненко, Kherson National Technical University

Anna A. Ivahnenko,



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