Energetic Parameters of Recoil During Explosion-Mechanical Drilling





Destruction of rocks, Explosive-mechanical drilling, Energy saving, Combined loading, Metal jet


Background. Modern methods of destruction are spending up to 90 % of energy to prepare for extraction. Specific energy consumption reaches 120 kW·h/m3. The study proposes a new energy efficient destruction of rocks with combined explosive-mechanical loads.

Objective. Evidence of explosion-mechanical action machine’s recoil absence during explosive charges detonation.

Methods. Determination of the factors that cause machine recoil during explosion; the study of the metal jet behavior at the moment of collision with a stope; research of recoil acceleration, speed and impact energy.

Results. It is proved that the metal jet acts as a dynamic indenter directed to a stope. After the collision with a stope it "spreads" laterally and generates micro-cracks within 20 mm from the epicenter.

Conclusions. The parameters of the machine recoil (acceleration of 0.0002 m/s2; energy 0.02 J) prove the absence of its horizontal and vertical movements during the explosion-mechanical destruction of rocks.

Author Biographies

Олег Маркович Терентьєв, NTUU KPI, Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management

Oleg M. Terentiev,

professor at the Department of Electromechanical Equipment for Energy-Consumption Industries

Павло Анатолійович Гонтарь, NTUU KPI, Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management

Pavlo A. Gontar,

engineer at the Department of Geological Building and Mining Technologies

Азер Шукуров, "Azinterpartlayis-X" LLC

Azer Shukurov,

director of "Azinterpartlayis-X" LLC


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