Finish Honing with Borium Hones of Friction Parts Bores of Wear-Resistant Highly Alloyed Nickel-Based Composites for Printing Machines




New composite materials, Honing, Elbor, Hones, Surface roughness, Productivity, Parameters of cutting


Background. The study on technological process of the finish honing-process of the bores of wear-resistant composite material parts, synthesized on the base of utilized and regenerated wastes of production from nickel alloys ХН55ВМТКЮ, ХН50ВТФКЮ ЭП975 with СаF2 hard lubricant additions has been researched.

Objective. The purpose of the work is the experimental research of processes of the finishing thin surface honing-process treatment with elbor hones of the surfaces of bores of the friction parts of the printing machines and, influence of abrasive tools composition in the first place, cutting modes, the construction elements of honing head on the roughness, quality, precision of bearing surfaces made of new composite nickel-based materials, and also on characteristics of specific capacity, the elbor take and technological self-cost of the honing-process operation.

Methods. Surface treatment of printing machines nickel-based wear-resistance composite parts with the finishing thin honing-process on the honing-machines with the elbor hones on the ceramic bonds and application of thin cutting modes.

Results. It was demonstrated, that granulosity, material of grain instrument and properties of the elbor hones bond for honing-process operations of the nickel-based composite parts essentially influence on the parameters of surface roughness, precision of surfaces, specific productivity, the elbor take, and technological self-cost of the process. The best parameters of surface roughness, precision of surface, productivity, specific expenses of elbor satisfy honing hones made of ordinary strength elbor (LO) with granulosity 7–14 μm on the ceramic bond (T1–T2) and thin honing-procession modes. Advantages of surface treatment of elbor hones at honing-process operation of different printing machines parts are shown.

Conclusions. It was demonstrated, that quality of friction surfaces made of new nickel-based composite materials, and also economic factors of technological process of treatment (productivity, elbor take, cost of technological operation), substantially depend on the structure of elbor hones (granulosity, bond) and cutting modes. The recommendations on the production were developed.

Author Biographies

Анатолій Павлович Гавриш, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Anatolii P. Gavrysh, 

Dr. Sci., full professor, professor at the Printing and Publishing  Institute

Тетяна Анатоліївна Роїк, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Tetyana A. Roik, 

Dr. Sci., full professor, professor at the Department of reprography, Printing and Publishing Institute

Петро Олексійович Киричок, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Petro O. Kyrychok,

д.т.н., професор, проректор з навчально-виховної роботи

Ольга Ілларіонівна Хмілярчук, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Olha I. Hmiliarchuk, 

PhD, associated professor at the Department of printing and publishing technologies, Printing and Publishing Institute

Олена Сергіївна Хлус, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Olena S. Khlus,

postgraduate student, Department of reprography, Printing and publishing institute


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