Analysis of the productivity for anti-interference digital data transmission systems


  • Леонід Олександрович Уривський Institute of Telecommunication Systems, NTUU "KPI", Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Аліна Валентинівна Мошинська Institute of Telecommunication Systems, NTUU "KPI", Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Світлана Миколаївна Вергун Institute of Telecommunication Systems, NTUU "KPI", Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine



Channel capacity, Productivity, Error probability, Multiposition signals, Productivity extremum


Background. Efficient use of energy and frequency resource of telecommunications channels is needed.

Objective. The main objective is favor of a discrete communication channel productivity analysis through the  identification of behavior reliability patterns of the demodulated multiposition signal manipulation by using redundant error-correcting codes.

Methods. Estimation of capacity and productivity extremum search is carried out in a gradual increase in the symbol rate. Potential noise immunity given estimated error probability value in the telecommunications channel with white noise. The error probability is achieved by correcting the reliability of the demodulator output using the error-correcting code.

Results. Analysis of capacity and productivity without coding, and with coding showed the extremum in the respective energy condition in the channel. At the same time at the point of extremum signals QAM-16 are more productive than the signals QAM-64. This demonstrates the rationality of using signals QAM-64 in wireless systems (e.g., LTE), that are useful to apply in a wide area wireless systems (e.g., UMTS).

Conclusions. Efficient use of energy resources and frequency of communication channels occurs at the point of extremum performance in well-defined values of the transfer rate. If the maximum is to the left of it is advisable to increase the symbol rate, and if the maximum is to the right the signal energy can be reduced.

Author Biographies

Леонід Олександрович Уривський, Institute of Telecommunication Systems, NTUU "KPI", Kyiv, Ukraine

Leonid O. Uryvsky, dr. sci., professor

Аліна Валентинівна Мошинська, Institute of Telecommunication Systems, NTUU "KPI", Kyiv, Ukraine

Alina V. Moshynska, PhD, associate professor, assistant professor

Світлана Миколаївна Вергун, Institute of Telecommunication Systems, NTUU "KPI", Kyiv, Ukraine

Svitlana M. Vergun. magister


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