Impact Assessment of Demand Change of Consumers for Electric Power for Unevenness of Daily Graphs of the Energy System Load




Graphs of the electrical load, Irregularity of daily graphs, Groups of consumers, Consumers’ performance influ-ence on the uneven load


Background. The article is devoted to consideration of ways to assess the impact of consumer demand on electric power to the uneven load of the power system.

Objective. The main objective is the justification of the method choice to solve this problem, obtaining the most objective and meaningful assessment of the nature and extent of influence of groups of electrical consumers on configuration of daily graphs of the energy system load.

Methods. The methods of mathematical statistics, correlation and analysis of variance are used.

Results. The known methods of assessing the impact of consumer demand on power on the unevenness of the electric load of the power system are analyzed. A method for the determination of the coefficients of the influence of consumer groups is proposed, which allows us to objectively assess individual character and the degree of influence of these power groups for the non-uniformity of daily graphs of the power system load.

Conclusions. The utilization of the proposed method for the determination of the consumer influence coefficients  on the configuration of the power system load graphs, will allow us to solve the problem of boundaries determination and daily tariff zone duration more reasonable, as well as the establishment of the necessary level of interest rates differentiated by the time electricity tariffs.

Author Biographies

Володимир Федорович Находов, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

Volodymyr F. Nakhodov,

PhD, associate professor at the Department of electricity supply of Institute of energy saving and energy management

Анатолій Ігорович Замулко, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

Anatolii I. Zamulko,

PhD, associate professor at the Department of electricity supply of Institute of energy saving and energy management

Мохаммад Ібрагим Аль Шарарі, Национальный технический университет Украины "Киевский политехнический институт"

Mohammad Al Sharari I.,

postgraduate student at the Department of electricity supply of Institute of energy saving and energy management

Дарина Олександрівна Медінцева, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

Daryna O. Medintseva,

undergraduate student at the Department of electricity supply of Institute of energy saving and energy management


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