Influence of the Middle Magnetic Field on the Disperse Iron-Oxygen Mineral Phase Formation by Applyng the Rotation-Corrosion Dispergation Method


  • Олена Миколаївна Лавриненко F.D. Ovcharenko Institute of Bio-Colloid Chemistry of the NASU, Ukraine
  • Олеся Юріївна Павленко F.D. Ovcharenko Institute of Bio-Colloid Chemistry of the NASU, Ukraine



Disperse iron-oxygen mineral phases, The rotation-corrosion dispergation method, Iron spinel ferrite, Localization of the phase formation process


The purpose of this work was to investigate the process of the disperse iron-oxygen mineral phase formation by applying the rotation-corrosion dispergation method when the middle magnetic field affected the system. The rotation-corrosion dispergation method is based on the principle of iron (steel) electrode corrosion when its surface contacts either with air or dispersion medium. The constant magnetic field was influencing the system during the process of the phase formation. The magnetic field intensity was 0,6—1,9 kOe and remanent magnetic induction was 0,7—1,3 T. As the dispersion medium distilled water, CoCl2 and ZnCl2 solutions were chosen. We used X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy as the main methods of the investigation. The iron spinel ferrite particles formed on the steel surface have a spherical form; their development takes place according to the contact-recrystallization mechanism. The magnetic interaction between particles increased when magnetic field influenced the system. Under such conditions the ferromagnetic particles formed big aggregates and they did not separate from the electrode surface. The paramagnetic lepidocrocite particles were formed in near electrode film according to solution-reprecipitation mechanism and weak crystallized ferrihydrite, Fe(II)-Fe(III) LDH and goethite particles coagulated and precipitated in the form of a fluffy sediment. It was found that the imposition of the middle magnetic field leads to the formation of monomineral disperse phases of iron oxyhydroxides, iron oxides and iron spinel ferrites. The obtained iron-oxygen particles can be used for creating different organosols that are suitable for biomedical investigation.

Author Biographies

Олена Миколаївна Лавриненко, F.D. Ovcharenko Institute of Bio-Colloid Chemistry of the NASU

Olena Lavrinenko,

doctor of chemical science, senior researcher, senior fellow

Олеся Юріївна Павленко, F.D. Ovcharenko Institute of Bio-Colloid Chemistry of the NASU

Olesya Pavlenko,

postgraduate student


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