Dynamic Model Heat-Mass Exchange for the Water Cooler of the Industrial Air Conditioner


  • Ігор Михайлович Голінко NTUU KPI, Ukraine




Heat-exchange apparatus, Heat exchange, Mass exchange, Air conditioner, Dynamic model, Transients


Mathematical modelling of processes heat-mass exchange for a water cooler, which is used in systems of an artificial microclimate for cooling and air unwatering, is observed. Based on the equations of material and thermal balance two equivalent models allowing to spend modelling of transients in a cooler on the basic channels of regulating and perturbation are gained. Sampling of dynamic model is defined by methods of a control system synthesis of the industrial air conditioner. For raise of accuracy of mathematical calculations in paper experimental definition of factors heat-mass exchange, which allows adapting dynamic model for concrete operating conditions of a water cooler, is offered. The offered mathematical dependences are conveniently realized in the environment of MatLab. The instance of modelling of transients for water cooler CVP 2-SW4 air conditioner CV-P 2L N-63B/F-N which is manufactured by company VTS CLIMA is resulted. The gained transients have aperiodic character without delay. On character of transients, for management of a water cooler it is possible to recommend the PI-regulator. The dynamic model of a water cooler can be used by specialists on automation for the analysis and adjustment of parametres of control systems of industrial air conditioners.


Author Biography

Ігор Михайлович Голінко, NTUU KPI

Golinko Igor M., candidate of sciences (engineering), associate professor, assistant professor at the automation of heat-and-power engineering processes sub-department of faculty of heat power engineering 



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