Temperature Measurement Uncertainty of Patient by Medical Thermal Imager


  • Ахмед Малик Лазим Аль-Мзіраві NTUU KPI, Ukraine
  • Валентин Георгійович Колобродов NTUU KPI, Ukraine




Medical thermal imager, Temperature measurement uncertainty, Noise equivalent temperature difference


The purpose of this article is to develop the method of estimation and research of measurement temperature uncertainty by the medical thermal imager in pathological zones depending on the distance between the patient and the thermal imager. The proposed method is based on the noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) which depends on the linear objective magnification of the thermal imager. The absolute measurement uncertainty is defined as the difference between two NETD in the case the object of observation is at a distance of temperature measurement and at infinity of the thermal imager. The obtained equations for the estimation of the absolute and the fractional temperature measurement uncertainty depending on the objective magnification and the distance between the thermal imager and the patient. The required interval of the change in objective magnification has been defined, which depends on the pathogenic zone dimensions, micro bolometer matrix dimensions and the objective focus length. The example of the appliance of the proposed method for the determination of the temperature measurement uncertainty by the thermal medical imager has been considered. It also has been found out that when the patient is on the distance more than 1 m far from the medical thermal imager the examined measurement uncertainties can be not considered. Over a distance of 50 cm the significant uncertainties take place, which are recommended to compensate by the using of the special infrared objectives.


Author Biographies

Ахмед Малик Лазим Аль-Мзіраві, NTUU KPI

Ahmed Malik Lazim Al-Mzirawi, postgraduate student

Валентин Георгійович Колобродов, NTUU KPI

Kolobrodov Valentin G., doctor of engineering, full professor, head of department


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