Detection of Allelic Variants of Wax Gene among National and Foreign Barley Varieties


  • Олена Василівна Степаненко Institute of cell biology and genetic engineering of the NASU, Ukraine
  • Богдан Володимирович Моргун Institute of cell biology and genetic engineering of the NASU, Ukraine
  • Олександр Ілліч Рибалка Plant Breeding and Genetics – National Center of Seed & Cultivar Invastigation of the UAAS, Ukraine
  • Антон Ігорович Степаненко Institute of cell biology and genetic engineering of the NASU, Ukraine
  • Євгеній Васильович Кузьмінський NTUU KPI, Ukraine



Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), Wax genes, PCR, Molecular markers, Starch


The objective of the present study was to apply of the molecular marker system for detection of the allelic variants of the Wаx gene. Starch pasting properties are very important factors in malting, food processing and feed quality of barley cultivars. Therefore, it is important to control of the amylose/amylopectin ratio in the barley starch. The Wаx locus of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is responsible for the amylose endosperm biosynthesis. The Wаx gene may be found among the barley cultivars in several allelic variants: 2 functional active alleles encoding GBSS I protein and one null-allele with the inactivated enzyme.The most reliable way to assess the allelic state of Wаx gene is to use molecular marker based on polymerase chain reaction. Among the 126 barley samples studied (cultivars and breeding lines) by a codominant molecular marker system all of the three allelic variants of Wаx gene were identified. Two samples representing with the cultivars Candle and Alamo carried the null-allele of the Wаx gene. The results of the present study can be efficiently used to identify genotypes with the null-allele of the Wаx gene for developing and characterization of the new barley varieties.

Author Biographies

Олена Василівна Степаненко, Institute of cell biology and genetic engineering of the NASU

Stepanenko Olena V., first category engineer, student at the NTUU KPI

Богдан Володимирович Моргун, Institute of cell biology and genetic engineering of the NASU

Morgun Bogdan V., candidate of sciences (biology), senior research fellow

Олександр Ілліч Рибалка, Plant Breeding and Genetics – National Center of Seed & Cultivar Invastigation of the UAAS

Rybalka Oleksandr I., doctor of biological sciences, leading research fellow, head of department

Антон Ігорович Степаненко, Institute of cell biology and genetic engineering of the NASU

Stepanenko Anton І., leading engineer, postgraduate student at the NTUU KPI

Євгеній Васильович Кузьмінський, NTUU KPI

Kuzminskyi Evhenii V., doctor of chemistry, full professor, head of department


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