The Influence of Carbon and Nitrogen Sources in Nutrient Media on Biomass Accumulation by Basidiomycetes Medicinal Mushrooms Genus Trametes (Fr.)


  • Інна Рішардівна Клечак NTUU KPI, Ukraine
  • Ніна Анатоліївна Бісько M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Надія Юріївна Митропольська M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Лариса Олександрівна Антоненко NTUU KPI, Ukraine



Carbon nutrition, Nitrogen nutrition, Basidiomycetes, Trametes, The ratio of carbon to nitrogen, Biomass


The article investigates the impact of natural sources of carbon and nitrogen nutrition and their quantitative ratio of biomass accumulation by medicinal basidiomycetes of the genus Trametes. The objects of the study were 18 strains of basidiomycetes species T. versicolor, T. suaveolens, T. gibbosa, T. hirsuta, T. zonatus, T. pubescens, T. serialis, T. trogii from Institute of Botany of N.G. Kholodny Institute of botany National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine collection of mushrooms. It is shown that properly selected sources of carbon and nitrogen nutrition increase the biomass yield of the investigated strains. It was established that the highest percentage of strains that were noted high rates of growth observed when cultured on medium with sucrose (33,3 % of strains) or glucose (27,2 % of strains). It was investigated that the best source of nitrogen for the growth of strains is peptone. According to results of a study, strain T. serialis 1698 was selected as promising strain for biomass accumulation (9,5 g/dm3 biomass in the medium with sucrose). Ratio of carbon content to nitrogen for the growth of 18 strains of basidiomycetes genus Trametes was chosen. For strains of species T. hirsuta, T. zonatus and T. pubescens at the ratio of carbon to nitrogen content of 22,2 number of synthesized biomass increased on 22–36 % compared with those in the baseline environment in which the ratio of carbon to nitrogen content was 17,7. For strains of species T. versicolor, T. suaveolens and T. gibbosa at the ratio of carbon to nitrogen 26,6 number of synthesized biomass increased by 14–85 % compared to the baseline medium.

Author Biographies

Інна Рішардівна Клечак, NTUU KPI

Klechak Inna R., candidate of sciences (engineering), associate professor,assistant professor of department of Industrial Biotechnology

Ніна Анатоліївна Бісько, M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine

Bisko Nina A., doctor of biological sciences (Ph. D. in biology), Lead researcher of department of mycology

Надія Юріївна Митропольська, M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine

Mitropolska Nadija Yu., candidate of sciences (biology), senior research fellow of department of mycology

Лариса Олександрівна Антоненко, NTUU KPI

Antonenko Larysa O., candidate of sciences (engineering), teaching fellow of department of industrial biotechnology



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