The Growth Rates and the Accumulation Dynamics of Riboflavin of Ray Fungus Eremothecium Ashbyi Guillier


  • Валентина Юріївна Поліщук NTUU KPI, Ukraine
  • Маргарита Ігорівна Маланюк NTUU KPI, Ukraine
  • Олексій Мартем’янович Дуган NTUU KPI, Ukraine



Ascomycetes, Eremothecium ashbyi, Riboflavin, Cultivation, Growth rates


The aim of the scientific research was to study the cultural and biochemical characteristics of Eremothecium ashbyi, primarily due to the dynamics of accumulation of riboflavin. The growth rates and the accumulation dynamics of riboflavin in the culture liquid and mycelium of ray fungus Eremothecium аshbyi F340, which is perspective object for receipt of riboflavin by biotechnological method were investigated. Examining the culture E. ashbyi F340 on the glucose-pepton medium a significant difference between the term of accumulation of riboflavin in the culture liquid (riboflavin content was determined spectrophotometrically at 450 nm) and the biomass of fungus (previously conducted release of riboflavin) were revealed. The growth mechanisms of the producer, which obey certain laws for periodic cultures: the culture passes the logarithmic phase of growth, the stationary growth phase and the die-away phase were investigated. It is established that the intensive growth of culture is caused by the pH descent of culture liquid, but the intensive accumulation of riboflavin is related to the pH ascent. Initially riboflavin accumulates into mycelium cells and only after reaching the constant level it begins to segregate in culture liquid.

Author Biographies

Валентина Юріївна Поліщук, NTUU KPI

Polishchuk Valentyna Yu., teaching fellow of the department of industrial biotechnology of the faculty of biotechnology and bioengineering


Маргарита Ігорівна Маланюк, NTUU KPI

Malanyuk Margarita I., student of the department of industrial biotechnology of the faculty of biotechnology and bioengineering

Олексій Мартем’янович Дуган, NTUU KPI

Dugan Alexey M., doctor of biological sciences, full professor, head of the department of industrial biotechnology, dean of faculty of biotechnology and bioengineering


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