Methodology of Energy Consumption Assessment for the Grain Materials Dryer with Shelf Elements


  • Надія Олександрівна Артюхова Sumy State University (SSU), Ukraine
  • Микола Петрович Юхименко Sumy State University (SSU), Ukraine



Gravity shelf dryer, Aerodynamics, Optimal, Research, Drying agent


The article is devoted to the methodology development for the technological regimes of the drying process determining in gravity shelf dryers. This methodology is based on a joint analysis of the fluidized bed formation conditions and optimal energy costs of the process. The drying agent consumption, which provides the fluidization beginning of granular material in the apparatus, is determined analytically. A decrease of dryer’s performance depending on porosity which is beyond the operating range is shown in this article. The dependence for the optimal flow rate value of drying agent determining with fixed economic parameters (the price of heat transfer agent, the price of the apparatus) is obtained. The method of the energy costs evaluating on drying process conducting with the optimal drying agent consumption determining is presented. The data comparison of aerodynamic and economic calculation for the dryer allows the energy-efficient regime of operation choosing.

Author Biographies

Надія Олександрівна Артюхова, Sumy State University (SSU)

Artyukhova Nadia O., teaching fellow

Микола Петрович Юхименко, Sumy State University (SSU)

Yukhymenko Mykola P., candidate of sciences (engineering), associate professor, assistant professor


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