Effectiveness Analysis of Recirculation Dryer with a Heat Pump


  • Михайло Костянтинович Безродний NTUU “KPI”, Ukraine
  • Віктор Валерійович Вовк NTUU “KPI”, Ukraine




Heat pump, Drying of grain, Recirculation


The results of the thermodynamic analysis of conventional and heat pump conveyer convective drying of grain are shown in this article. The purpose of this work is to analyze the impact of recirculation on the energy efficiency of traditional and heat pump grain dryers. The mathematical model should also shows energy advantage of heat pump dryers in relation to traditional. Modeling of processes is performed for the first period of drying at a constant rate of moisture removal from the grain. The calculations were made for wheat grain. The influence of recirculation on the increasing of the drying systems efficiency has been showed. The conclusions considering the effectiveness of the conveyer heat pump dryers, as well as the quantitative characteristics of utilization rates of external energy for evaporation have been made. A significant increase of energy efficiency of dryer using the heat pump as a heat source was shown. The efficiency of the heat pump increases significantly with decreasing drying process temperature.

Author Biographies

Михайло Костянтинович Безродний, NTUU “KPI”

Bezrodny Mykhailo, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Head of the TPT Chair

Віктор Валерійович Вовк, NTUU “KPI”

Vovk Viktor, master student


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