Influence of Preconditioning on the Absorbency and Strengh of Ammonium Nitrate Granules Grade B


  • Ігор Леонідович Коваленко Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Ukraine
  • Віталій Павлович Купрін Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,



Ammonium nitrate, Retention capacity, Fuel, Energy-condensed system


The retention capacity of granulated ammonium nitrate grade B with respect to the liquid fuel due to pretreatment of the granules has been increased, and energy-condensed systems for mining have been developed. Processing technology including opening of hard shell of granules without formation of through pores and creating a rigid framework of slightly soluble compounds in the pores. It has been found, that treatment with a solution of iron (III) chloride and further heating provides formation of iron (III) hydroxyl compounds framework with the developed surface in the pores of granules. It increases the retention capacity of saltpeter with respect to the liquid fuel from 2.5 to 6 % by weight while maintaining the strength of the granules. Introduction of stearin, which is surface active and binds chemically with iron (III) compounds, into the liquid fuel increases the reten

Author Biographies

Ігор Леонідович Коваленко, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

Kovalenko Ihor L., candidate of sciences (engineering), associate professor, assistant professor

Віталій Павлович Купрін, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

Kuprin Vitaly P., doctor of chemistry, full professor, professor laureate of the State Prizes of Ukraine in Science and Technology


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