Selection of Stabilitrons and Modes of the Power Supplies of Reference High-Voltage Installations of the Direct Current


  • Володимир Олександрович Бржезицький NTUU KPI, Ukraine
  • Руслан Валерійович Вендичанський All-Ukrainian state research and production center for standardization, metrology, certification and consumers' rights protection, Ukraine
  • Ярослав Олександрович Гаран NTUU KPI, Ukraine
  • Олег Михайлович Десятов NTUU KPI, Ukraine



Standard of a high voltage of a direct current, Stabilitron, Voltage ripple, Stability of the power supplies


The problem of stabilitrons selecting for use in reference high-voltage installations of a direct current, calculation of a high voltage pulsations are observed at various modes of operation of such installations and definitions of methods of their amplitude decreasing. Problems of support of the stable power supplies of reference installation depending on characteristics of an alternating voltage source selection and the circuit design of this voltage transformation are analyzed. Researches of modes of the power supplies of reference installation over the operating voltage range from 1 to 180 kV are performed. It was found that the amplitude and character of voltage pulsations can have an effect on accuracy of scale high voltage transformation, and factor of pulsations ∆p essentially depends on operating conditions of reference installation. The obtained results have shown that increasing of resistance value of the filter is almost proportional to the decreasing of pulsations amplitude. Provisions for pulsations amplitude decreasing and raise of demands to stability of separate elements of reference installations are offered.

Author Biographies

Володимир Олександрович Бржезицький, NTUU KPI

Volodymyr Oleksandrovich Brzhezitsky,

Dr.Sci.Tech., professor 

Руслан Валерійович Вендичанський, All-Ukrainian state research and production center for standardization, metrology, certification and consumers' rights protection

Ruslan Valerijovich Vendichansky,

assistant of department head

Ярослав Олександрович Гаран, NTUU KPI

Yaroslav Oleksandrovich Garan,


Олег Михайлович Десятов, NTUU KPI

Oleg Mihajlovich Desjatov,

postgraduate student


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