Investigation of the Economic Efficiency of Automation of Production


  • Володимир Святославович Богушевський NTUU KPI, Ukraine
  • Вікторія Юріївна Сухенко NTUU KPI, Ukraine
  • Сергій Віталійович Кадигроб NTUU KPI, Ukraine
  • Антон Олександрович Шульга NTUU KPI, Ukraine



BOF, Parameters of melting, Cost of steel, APCS


The influence of technological and human factors on the cost of steel, the improvement of the process and the organization of production were investigated. Technological factors include the basicity of slag, lining life, rate of oxygen input, changes in nitrogen content in the metal, clean of blowing, conditions of slag formation. Statistical relationship between the lining life and the basicity of slag was obtained. Found that the most important factors that affect the resistance lining this is a temperature in bath, chemical composition of the slag, duration of blowing time and idle time. Statistical relationship the action of average number turndown converter for melting on lining life was obtained. The study found that the control system can realize the basic provisions to reduce the cost of BOF steel, which is associated with an increase of scrap, lining life of the unit and weight yield, reduced material consumption, improve the process and the organization of production, reducing the duration of blowing and melting in general. The indicators received from the first turndown of the main parameters of melting – the carbon content and the temperature of the bath, and the simultaneous achievement of these parameters were presented.

Author Biographies

Володимир Святославович Богушевський, NTUU KPI

Volodymyr Bogushevskiy,

Doctor of Science, professor

Вікторія Юріївна Сухенко, NTUU KPI

Victoria Sukhenko,

Ph.D, senior lecturer

Сергій Віталійович Кадигроб, NTUU KPI

Sergei Kadygrob,


Антон Олександрович Шульга, NTUU KPI

Anton Shulga,



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