Method of Automatic Extractive Text Summarization on the Basis of Recurrent Neural Networks




Recurrent neural network, Extractive text summarization, Deep learning, Natural language processing, Unsupervised learning


Background. The article deals with the solution of the problem of automatic extractive text summarization on the basis of recurrent artificial neural network, using graph interpretation of the text and a text unit importance estimator. Abstractive approach is much more complex than extractive as it requires network to generate personal thought vector which is not obliged to contain words from input text as well as it should be built grammatically correct. The text unit importance estimator uses recommendation rating principle which balances the graph weights depending on the popularity of text units. The principle of unsupervised learning is much closer to real biological learning process and doesn’t require labeled preprocessed dataset.

Objective. The aim of the paper is the method of automatic extractive text summarization based on recurrent artificial neural networks using unsupervised learning.

Methods. An algorithm for the achievement of deeper abstract text processing using the interpretation of the text in the form of a graph is proposed. The algorithm uses elements of graph theory and methods of algorithms’ design. The text unit importance estimator uses recommendation rating principle.

Results. In relative comparison, the performance of the directed graph based on neural network is almost 5 % higher than undirected graph network version. Using graph interpretation algorithm, the network performance is 15 % higher than the usual simple lexical n-gram representation.

Conclusions. This method is characterised in that it takes into account its own structure of the text, instead of processing the text as simple rows of lexical and semantic terms. It is the transformation of the text into a multidimensional oriented graph that opens the potential for much more abstract text processing. Practical application, in its turn, covers a large area of continuous processing of not only social networks and news, blogs, articles or communications, but also the fields of education, genetics and medicine.

Author Biographies

Ostap V. Ivanyshyn, National University "Lviv Polytechnic"

Остап Васильович Іванишин

Anatoliy Ye. Batyuk, National University "Lviv Polytechnic"

Анатолій Євгенович Батюк


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