Technology of Rock Destruction by Combined Explosion-Mechanical Load




Rock drilling, Explosive-mechanical drilling, Energy efficiency, Combined load, Recoil


Background. Rock drilling is characterized by an energy capacity of more than 120 kWh/m3. This is due to the fact that about 90 % of the energy is expended on the “preparation” of rocks for destruction. This study proposes to combine explosive and mechanical loads to reduce specific energy consumption of rock destruction.

Objective. The aim of the paper is energy effective technology development for rock destruction by combined explosive-mechanical loads.

Methods. Analytical studies; regression analysis; math modeling; experimental research; technical and economic analysis.

Results. Specific energy decreasing for explosive-mechanical rock drilling by 4–16 % was experimentally proved.

Conclusions. As a result of the implementation of explosive-mechanical rock drilling on the created full-sized experimental device, the efficiency coefficient increased from 77 to 80 %.


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