Reserching Electrical Activity of Hippocampal Neurons in Culture


  • Катерина Анатоліївна Казмірчук NTUU KPI, Ukraine
  • Анастасія Олександрівна Москалюк Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Євгеній Васильович Кузьмінський NTUU KPI, Ukraine



Hippocampus, Electrical activity, Action potential, Synaptic transmission, GABA-ergic interneurons, Cultivation, Parvalbumin, Cytochemical painting


It is shown in this paper that the presynaptic cell directly causes postsynaptic current in the postsynaptic neuron determines its amplitude. Combination of the electrophysiological techniques, mathematical tools, and сytochemical research allow deeper analysis and understanding of the differences in the mechanisms of generation series of action potentials and excitatory inhibitory neurons in the hippocampus. For electrophysiological studies of synaptic interactions involving pairs of cultured hippocampal neurons at different types of pulsed electrical activity of the presynaptic cell the following methodological approaches were used: cooking culture dissociated hippocampal neurons in low density, the method of fixing the intracellular potential on the postsynaptic neuron configuration “whole-cell”; method of pair registration, the method of local extracellular perfusion program for blocking brake and exciting synaptic transmission and selective potassium channel blockers; сytochemical analysis, mathematical methods and processing results. It was also shown that there are two groups of GABA-ergic interneurons in hippocampal culture, which differ by the type of electrical activity: АР is able to generate high-frequency and unable to generate high-frequency capable of generating action potential in response to prolonged stimulation of depolarizing current pulses. These groups significantly differ also by the kinetic properties of АP.

Author Biographies

Катерина Анатоліївна Казмірчук, NTUU KPI

Kazmirchuk Kateryna A., student

Анастасія Олександрівна Москалюк, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NAS of Ukraine

Moskaliuk Anastasia O., senior research fellow 

Євгеній Васильович Кузьмінський, NTUU KPI

Kuzminskyi Evhenii V., doctor of chemistry, full professor, head of Department of Environmental Biotechnology and Bioenergy of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Biotechnics


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